The image I had chosen for my next drawing was far from the bright sunlight of southern France, or where I live for that matter. But the form let itself well to the diptych format I am currently exploring and I wanted to capture that moment I had glimpsed in my sunny garden. So I purposely shifted the palette to the vivid end of the spectrum for my next Odalisque.
The left panel was drawn twice. The first version was clumsy and didn't fit the space correctly. I don't want my drawings to be pinpoint accurate, detailed renderings (that would drive me insane) but they need to be plausible.
The whole point of my work is how shapes and colors fit together on the page. The figure is my starting point. I like monumentality in shapes. Subject (or gender, in answer to those who have asked) is irrelevant, simply how light and shadow jig saw together with the edges of the page.