I have a "half-full cup" feeling about this drawing. On the one hand, I am pleased with the way there is a semi-abstract, gestural quality to the finished piece: you know that it depicts rushing water, but the cropping and aspect ratio keep it from being recognizable as a specific vista. On the other hand, what is on paper does not match what was in my mind's eye as I was creating the drawing. I have decided to not be overly concerned with this, and continue to let the drawings "flow" and evolve, letting the marks fall as they may. OK, maybe "three-quarters full".
This drawing is a touch different from previous works in that it is multimedia. I started in the usual manner of blocking in areas of color in pastel, but then added some sprayed watercolor to increase the depth of color. There is also some fain line work added in in pen and ink, followed by heavier areas of pastel, and the highlights are pulled out using the eraser. Some of the fine squiggly highlights were achieved using an eraser stub clamped in the bit of a 1/4" drill.
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